friendly reminder

Remember birthdays, anniversaries and the people who matter to you. 🎈

Wedding anniversary
Cat's birthday
Mom's birthday
Gift idea: She wants to see a broadway show
It's free!

Every month, get a simple email with all the important events and people you shouldn’t forget.

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Add birthdays and events that matter to you

Get a summary of events every month

Get a reminder in the morning of each event

A home for the events that matter the most.

List the events that matter to you — birthdays, anniversaries, holidays — and we'll remind you at the beginning of each month and on the day of the event.

Separate from social media apps and your work calendar.

Friendly Reminder is helpful to people who quit social media apps or prefer to keep their personal reminders separate from their work meeting alerts.


This is a personal project and free for as long as I can maintain it.

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Remember what matters.
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